Sturgis 2010
The BUFFALO CHIP in Sturgis, South Dakota lived up to it’s slogan “The Best Party Anywhere” this year as they welcomed a star-studded parade of headliners to what may be the best value in music festivals! Throw in the fact that 500,000 bikers happen to be in town, and you gotta party of epic proportion!
With legends like KID ROCK, ZZ TOP, Bob Dylan, and Ozzy Osbourne leading the charge, and current favorites BUCKCHERRY, Disturbed, and Jason Aldean mopping up, you might expect fillers in between. Not at the Chip! Woody and his crew stepped up, and brought in classic acts that fill stadiums elsewhere... Motley Crue, John Mellencamp, Scorpions, & Tesla among many others!
A faulty regulator on the Moto Guzzi left the Zeppelin crew stranded once we docked at the Chip on Friday, the 6th of August. Fortunately, we never NEEDED to leave the premises, as the best entertainment, food, and beverage were found within spittin’ distance of our spot near MICHAEL LICHTER'S Eternal Combustion exhibit. SHADE TREE FABRICATIONS frontman Kyle provided plenty of eye-candy for bike-lovers, as well as all hetero males in attendance! Harem hardly describes the scene at the double-decker den of sin he calls a roadshow.
New friends Danny & TJ from HARD NINE CHOPPERS dropped by to tease us with their crazy-cool ‘42 flathead (BMX chopper?). Nicknamed “Podium”, DMX ruled the bike show scene in Sturgis (at least the ones that mattered). The Unleaded Zeppelin was also proud to welcome our newest celebrity... Bird Raynolds. Stay tuned, as more B. R. info is forthcoming!
The week’s highlight came when Kid Rock asked us to pull up next to the tour buses (see video), and host his after-party on the Unleaded Zeppelin. An estimated 100,000 enjoyed his two hour set full of butt-rockin’ classics, as well as a few teases from his upcoming album “Born Free” set to drop in Nov.. Rock’s dad, Bill Richie, joined him and a dozen or so friends aboard the Airstream for nearly three hours, while the G5 sat idling on the runway across the street. RED STAG and White Label JIM BEAM flowed freely, as all in attendance were treated to a preview of what will surely be another multi-platinum effort from a Rick Rubin produced Kid Rock collaboration.
It was very nice to meet you two. I had heard so much about you guys, it was good to put a face with the names. I'm sure our paths will cross soon, Keep on keepin' on!